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Writer's pictureJennifer Butz

The Briars of Oops

Ever find yourself strolling down memory lane only to trip over the occasional briars of "Oops!"? Welcome to the club. We all have those moments where we glance back and think, "Did I really do that?" or "What was I thinking?" of just “groan….” It's like finding a forgotten garden of mistakes, each one a prickly reminder of our wonderfully imperfect human journey.

But here’s the thing about those thorns—they aren’t just there to make us wince. They also come with the potential for roses, blooming with the wisdom we’ve harvested over the years. The secret lies in how we choose to regard our past.

Think of it as gardening. It’s easy to ignore our mistakes, letting the bramble grow into unimaginable size and shape. But there is strength and beauty in cultivation. Yes, it’s dirty work, but it’s also incredibly satisfying. When we look at our mistakes—truly see them for what they are—we begin to understand them. We recognize the circumstances, the choices, and yes, even the courage it took to make those choices, right or wrong.

Once we’ve acknowledged our briars, it’s time for the real magic: forgiveness. Forgiving oneself can feel like removing those thorns and keeping the blooms and roses from those stems. It’s a gentle reminder that we’re human, beautifully flawed and ever-learning. Each "oops" moment is an opportunity to extend grace to ourselves, to recognize that mistakes are just part of the grand landscape of life.

Forgiveness isn’t about forgetting. It’s about releasing the hold those mistakes have on us. It’s saying, “Yes, I did that. I did the best I could at that time. And that’s okay. I’ve learned, I’ve grown, and I’m still blooming.”

We can choose to let our mistakes wound us, allowing the thorns to dig deeper into our self-worth until they fester. Or, we can decide to view them as roses, each one bringing a valuable lesson. It’s all in the perspective. When we embrace our past, thorns and all, we cultivate a garden of resilience and wisdom.

Life’s not about avoiding the briars but learning how to navigate them with grace and humor.

So, let’s embrace our gardens of "oops." Let’s walk through them with our heads held high, armed with the knowledge that each misstep has made us the incredible women we are today. Let’s laugh at the silly mistakes, learn from the painful ones, and always, always look for the roses. Oh, and bring the snips and lopers!

After all, what’s a garden without a few briars to make the blooms all the more beautiful?

Come join me at, where we turn life’s prickly moments into blossoms of wisdom and strength. Together, we’ll navigate the briars and bloom with the beauty of self-forgiveness and growth.

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