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Writer's pictureJennifer Butz

I call Bullshit!

What is up with a culture that spends billions on living longer and then shames those who live longer because they are no longer young or youthful?


What’s up with an economy that removes professionals with the experience and maturity to excel at their jobs and contribute to thriving businesses, working well independently and in teams?


What’s up with a society that rejects the insights and wisdom of elders, particularly deriding those of women, when the lack of historical and practical context is allowing this society to careen into untenable levels of meanness and disassociation?


I call bullshit!


I call bullshit on ageism in all its forms. I especially call bullshit on the sexist ageism that has permeated western society since the rise of patriarchal faiths more than 2000 years ago. I reject the stereotype that women in or entering their post-menopausal phase are sweaty hot messes—doddering, irrelevant, and invisible.


We elder women –also known as crones – bring much to this third age of life. We can use these assets and resources to enrich our own lives. Moreover, we are strong and positive role models for those we come into contact with, virtually and IRL.


In her excellent book, This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism, Ashton Applewhite offers us uppity elders the promise that “the longer we live, the more likely that our lives will diverge from popular culture’s cramped, oppressive script.” Well, hallelujah! Because that script for women has left us overstretched, depleted, and wondering if we were or will be good enough. Just consider the monologue from the Barbie movie that a pissed off Gloria (played by America Ferrera) unloads, ending with: “I'm just so tired of watching myself and every single other woman tie herself into knots so that people will like us.”


Not only do I call bullshit, but I call on women to consider ways to curate their experience, their wisdom and their insights. I support their drive to navigate the challenges of moving into and through their third age. Working together, supporting each other, we can create a dazzle of crones who live meaningful, exuberant, rewarding third chapters! Come join us at or on Facebook at Wonder Crone!

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