You’ve made it! The last week of 2024. Helluva ride, no? How do you feel?
Have you, like Santa, made your list and checked it twice? Have you been scampering all over the place to “wrap things up” before the end of the year (or, let’s be honest, were you doing this all year long)?
Let’s take a minute to decide what we’re leaving in 2024—forever.
What are you ready to let go of? Maybe it’s the endless hustle that left you feeling like a hamster on a wheel. Or the self-doubt that crept in when you dared to dream a little bigger. Perhaps it’s the clutter—physical, emotional, or digital—that has no business following you into 2025.
Let’s Marie Kondo this year, but instead of thanking your old sweaters (or in my case, old underwear—yeah, I had to start from the VERY beginning), we’re auld lang syning bad habits, limiting beliefs, and anything that didn’t serve us. Let’s leave behind what made life heavier, so we can step into 2025 lighter, freer, and with a sense of purpose.

How? One way is to write down all those bad habits, limiting beliefs and the shoulda-woulda-couldas of last year. I like to write each idea on a separate strip of paper. You’ll see why in a second. Crumple the paper up, and put it into a small, fireproof bowl or pot. Set these on fire and enjoy the light those heavy thoughts give off. Many small pieces of paper shine more brightly (and safely) than a big old 8/12” by 11. Recycle the ash by adding it to your garden.
Feels good, right? And while we're at it, let’s make a YOU list before any TO DO list. What do YOU want to carry forward into 2025? A YOU list isn’t about tasks or deadlines—it’s about joy, growth, and what makes you feel alive. It’s a map of what you want to invite more of into your life.
What brought the kind of joy that makes your wrinkles show up in all the right ways? Let's pack more of that into the coming year(s). Is it more time with people who light you up? Moments of stillness that feed your soul? Adventures that make your heart race? Think of it as curating a playlist for your coming year. Let’s embrace what truly matters.
As we step into 2025, let’s carry forward what truly lights us up and leave behind what dims our shine. This isn’t just about turning the page—it’s about writing your story with intention, joy, and a big dose of unapologetic fabulousness. (oooh! Extra doses of fabulousness!)
If you’re ready to embrace the year ahead with purpose and power, I’d love to walk this journey with you. Join me at, and let’s make these next pages in our third chapter the boldest and brightest yet.