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You've spent decades weaving the tapestry of your life, pulling in threads of experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Now, as you stand at another of life’s crossroads, a new adventure beckons. 


Aging isn't just a biological process – it's also very much a cultural one. We older women see and hear messages that are dismissing and evening demeaning.  Many of us internalize these messages and we start to think and feel "old." Oh no! Flip that script!!

I had long faced and managed sexism in my career, but ageism is something else. I had no language or navigation tools to manage this new challenge. So, I got to work! I read widely, spoke with friends, families, and a therapist, and developed think pieces and exercises for myself to take stock of my life, set boundaries, and create priorities for my third chapter.


I call the method Where Wisdom Meets Wonder, the intentional work that complements the serendipity in the art of the Divas, mixed media metal sculptures I make that offer women's wisdom in these chaotic times. I found the method so powerful, that I decided to offer it to as many women as possible so that you can age in power!


There are a variety of ways that you can tap into Where Wisdom Meets Wonder. Retreats, Webinars, Blogs/Vlogs, or Coaching Sessions. Soon, the Where Wisdom Meets Wonder workbook will be available on Amazon. Sign up to WonderCrone's contact list to be the first to know!


"I had no idea what to expect of this workshop, and I was a little worried that it would be too ‘woo-woo’ for me, but it wasn't at ALL. It was practical, inspiring and endlessly fascinating. Jen’s novel and expert approach gave me a fresh perspective on how to age with purpose, and I’m proud to be embracing it.  This workshop was exactly what I needed!"


"Participating in Jennifer Butz's Wonder Crone program has been a transformative experience for me, 

offering a divine opening to elevate further along my soul's journey. Through her croning sessions,  I've discovered a deeper willingness to continue expressing and sharing the transcendent qualities of love, light, and joy, even as I embrace the third stage of life. Jennifer, thank you for serving as a radiant conduit of wisdom and empowerment for women seeking growth.


"The most enriching experience during this Two Day Workshop offered and run by Jennifer Butz . Great conversation and bonding as well with my Conscious Crone Sisters. A “Must Experience” Workshop."


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